Volta Star
Yi palo
Volta Star FM nyɛla gɔmnanti reediyo siteesa din be Ho, Volta Region din be Ghana tinzuɣu.[1] Ban su siteesa maa n-nyɛ - Ghana Broadcasting Corporation.[2][3]
Ban wuligira lahabaya ni
[mali niŋ | mali mi di yibu sheena n-niŋ]Kundivihira
[mali niŋ | mali mi di yibu sheena n-niŋ]- ↑ Radio. www.ghanaweb.com. Retrieved 10 March 2012.
- ↑ Ghana Broadcasting Cooperation. www.gbcghana.com. Retrieved 10 March 2012.
- ↑ Radio Station World. www.radiostationworld.com. Retrieved 10 March 2012.
- ↑ Six journalists honoured (30 November 2001).
- ↑ SWAG Inaugurates New Chapter in the Volta Region.
- ↑ GBC Volta Star Radio's Tilda Elinam Acorlor wins 2017 Best Sports Journalist Award in Volta Region (13 December 2017).