Yiɣi chaŋ yɛligu maŋamaŋa puuni

Rhode Island

Diyila Dagbani Wikipedia
Rhode Island
U.S. state
Pahi lacontiguous United States, New England Mali niŋ
Di pilli ni29 Silimin gɔli May 1790 Mali niŋ
Yu'maŋliState of Rhode Island Mali niŋ
Zuliya wuhibuRhode Island Mali niŋ
YupaaThe Ocean State Mali niŋ
Yu'ŋmaaRI, R.I. Mali niŋ
Binyarsi Suɣubu ShɛiRhode Island State Archives Mali niŋ
Siɣili-lana yuliAquidneck Island Mali niŋ
Yu'gahindiliRhode Islander, Rod-Insulano Mali niŋ
Yɛltɔɣa din nyɛ tuma ni dinino value Mali niŋ
Tiŋgbani silimaRhode Island, It's for Me, Rhode Island Mali niŋ
TaachiHope Mali niŋ
Taachi sabbuHope Mali niŋ
Dunia yaɣiliNorth America Mali niŋ
TiŋaAmerica Mali niŋ
TinzuɣuProvidence Mali niŋ
Din be shɛli polonaAmerica Mali niŋ
Wakati luɣiliEastern Time Zone, America/New_York Mali niŋ
Be ni bee n pa kodoosheei zuɣuAtlantic Ocean Mali niŋ
Located in/on physical featureNew England Mali niŋ
Tiŋgbaŋ yaɣili calinli41°42′0″N 71°30′0″W Mali niŋ
Coordinates of geographic center41°40′34″N 71°33′22″W Mali niŋ
Coordinates of northernmost point42°1′12″N 71°22′48″W Mali niŋ
Highest pointJerimoth Hill Mali niŋ
Lowest pointAtlantic Ocean Mali niŋ
Office held by head of governmentGovernor of Rhode Island Mali niŋ
Tiŋgbani zuɣ'lanaDaniel McKee Mali niŋ
Kpamba yaɣiliGovernment of Rhode Island Mali niŋ
Loo zalibu yaɣaRhode Island General Assembly Mali niŋ
Saliya dibu kpamba ban be tooniRhode Island Supreme Court Mali niŋ
Mali la daabili yaɣili binyɛraBristol County, Kent County, Newport County, Providence County, Washington County Mali niŋ
Yaɣa din laɣim tabaRhodes Mali niŋ
Di tarisi niMassachusetts, Connecticut Mali niŋ
Foundational textConstitution of Rhode Island Mali niŋ
TaɣiColony of Rhode Island and Plantations Mali niŋ
Bal' tɔɣasiraNarragansett Mali niŋ
Lahabaya dundɔŋ din mali dihitabilihttps://www.ri.gov/ Mali niŋ
Official map URLhttps://www.rigis.org/ Mali niŋ
HasitagiRhodeIsland Mali niŋ
Tuutaflag of Rhode Island Mali niŋ
Has seal, badge, or sigilSeal of Rhode Island Mali niŋ
Official symbolRhode Island Red Mali niŋ
Geography of topicgeography of Rhode Island Mali niŋ
Taarihi bachikpani dalinlihistory of Rhode Island Mali niŋ
Nahingbaŋ maŋlino value Mali niŋ
Related categoryCategory:Rhode Island-related lists Mali niŋ
Open data portalRhode Island Open Data Mali niŋ
Economy of topiceconomy of Rhode Island Mali niŋ
Demographics of topicdemographics of Rhode Island Mali niŋ
OpenStreetMap zoom level9 Mali niŋ
Smithsonian trinomial format regexRI‑\d\d\d\d Mali niŋ
Tiŋbani puuni koll koodi401 Mali niŋ
Lihigu pubuCategory:Views of Rhode Island Mali niŋ
Category for maps or plansCategory:Maps of Rhode Island Mali niŋ

Rhode Island nyɛla tiŋgbani titali (state) din be United States.

Geography/tiŋgbani baŋsim bɔhimbu

[mali niŋ | mali mi di yibu sheena n-niŋ]

Demographics/ninsali biɛlim kalibu baŋsim bɔhimbu

[mali niŋ | mali mi di yibu sheena n-niŋ]

Bɔmma ni nyamma soya/economy

[mali niŋ | mali mi di yibu sheena n-niŋ]

Zalikpana mini gɔmnanti tali/law and government

[mali niŋ | mali mi di yibu sheena n-niŋ]

Baŋsim bɔhimbu/Education

[mali niŋ | mali mi di yibu sheena n-niŋ]

Kaya ni taada/culture

[mali niŋ | mali mi di yibu sheena n-niŋ]


[mali niŋ | mali mi di yibu sheena n-niŋ]