Yaɣa zaa din mali pirifis
Yi palo
- C
- C-Class
- C-ar
- C-cmn
- C-es
- C-pl
- C-pl/doc
- C-ro
- C-yue
- C.
- CFF player
- CFF player/doc
- CFinalist
- CGF year
- CJKV/doc
- CJK ideographs in Unicode
- CNone
- COVID-19 data
- COVID-19 data/Cite
- COVID-19 data/cite
- COVID-19 data/data
- COVID-19 data/date
- COVID-19 data/doc
- COVID-19 data/text
- COVID-19 data/text/doc
- COVID-19 pandemic data
- COVID-19 pandemic data/Mainland China medical cases chart
- COVID-19 pandemic data/styles2.css
- COVID-19 pandemic death rates
- COVID-19 pandemic death rates by country
- COVID-19 pandemic death rates by country/doc
- COVID-19 vaccination data
- COVID-19 vaccination data in Africa
- COVID-19 vaccination data in North America
- COinS safe
- CS1 wrapper
- CS1 wrapper/doc
- CSS3 multiple column layout
- CSS list-style-type values
- CSS list-style-type values/core
- CTBUH Skyscraper Center
- CTBUH Skyscraper Center/doc
- C cat
- Cagliari Calcio managers
- Cameroon-stub
- Campanulaceae-stub
- Canada men's national soccer team results
- Canadian party colour
- Canadian party colour/colour
- Canadian party colour/colour/default
- Canadian party colour/doc
- Canelections
- Caryophyllales-stub
- Cascade-protected template
- Cast listing
- Castle-stub
- Cat
- Cat/doc
- CatAutoTOC
- CatAutoTOC/core
- CatTrack
- Cat main
- Catalog lookup link
- Catalog lookup link/doc
- Category-inline
- Category-inline/doc
- CategoryBgColor
- CategoryBgColor/doc
- Category TOC
- Category TOC/tracking
- Category commons
- Category handler
- Category hatnote templates
- Category link
- Category link with count
- Category main
- Category other
- Category pair
- Category pair/doc
- Category see also
- Category see also/Category pair check
- Category see also/doc
- Category series navigation
- Category series navigation/doc
- Catrel
- Caution
- Caves in Bulgaria
- Cbignore
- Cbignore/doc
- Cc
- Ccat
- Ccolor
- Ccot
- Ceil
- CellCategory
- CellCategory/doc
- Cell color
- Cell color/doc
- Center
- Ch
- Change
- Change/doc
- Charmap
- Chart
- Chart/doc
- Chart/end
- Chart/start
- ChartColorLegends
- ChartColorLegends/doc
- ChartColors
- ChartColors/doc
- ChartPalette
- Chart bottom
- Chart top
- Chart top/doc
- CheckElement
- CheckElement/doc
- Check completeness of transclusions
- Check completeness of transclusions/doc
- Check mark
- Check mark-n
- Check mark templates
- Checked2
- Checkip
- Checkip/doc
- Checks for unknown parameters
- Checks for unknown parameters/doc
- Checkuser
- Checkuser/doc
- Chem2
- Chicago Bulls
- Chile national football team
- Chinese film list
- Chinese script needed inline
- Chinese tone letter
- Chinese tone letter/doc
- Christian Nodal
- Chuɣu
- Cinema of China
- Cinema of Korea
- Cinema of Mexico
- Cinema of Nigeria
- CinemaoftheUS
- Circa
- Cisb
- Citation
- Citation/core
- Citation/doc
- Citation/identifier
- Citation/make link
- Citation/styles.css
- Citation Style 1
- Citation Style documentation
- Citation Style documentation/agency
- Citation Style documentation/author
- Citation Style documentation/auto-date-format
- Citation Style documentation/chapter
- Citation Style documentation/chapterurl
- Citation Style documentation/coins
- Citation Style documentation/cs1
- Citation Style documentation/date
- Citation Style documentation/deprecated
- Citation Style documentation/display
- Citation Style documentation/edition
- Citation Style documentation/editor
- Citation Style documentation/id1
- Citation Style documentation/id2
- Citation Style documentation/journal
- Citation Style documentation/language
- Citation Style documentation/lay
- Citation Style documentation/lead
- Citation Style documentation/lua
- Citation Style documentation/pages
- Citation Style documentation/publisher
- Citation Style documentation/quote
- Citation Style documentation/ref
- Citation Style documentation/registration
- Citation Style documentation/required
- Citation Style documentation/sep comma
- Citation Style documentation/sep period
- Citation Style documentation/series
- Citation Style documentation/syntax
- Citation Style documentation/title
- Citation Style documentation/type
- Citation Style documentation/url
- Citation Style documentation/usage
- Citation Style documentation/usage common
- Citation Style documentation/usage full
- Citation Style documentation/usage vertical
- Citation Style documentation/usage vertical common
- Citation Style documentation/usage vertical end
- Citation Style documentation/usage vertical mid
- Citation Style documentation/volume
- Citation Style documentation/web
- Citation Style documentation/whats new
- Citation metadata navbox
- Citation needed
- Citation needed/doc
- Cite-check
- Cite-check/doc
- Cite-web
- Cite-web/doc
- Cite.php
- Cite AV media
- Cite AV media/doc
- Cite AV media notes
- Cite arXiv
- Cite arXiv/doc
- Cite bioRxiv
- Cite bioRxiv/doc
- Cite book
- Cite book/TemplateData
- Cite book/doc
- Cite book/sandbox
- Cite check
- Cite check/doc
- Cite citeseerx
- Cite citeseerx/doc
- Cite conference
- Cite conference/doc
- Cite dictionary
- Cite encyclopedia
- Cite encyclopedia/doc
- Cite episode
- Cite episode/doc
- Cite interview
- Cite interview/doc
- Cite iucn
- Cite journal
- Cite journal/doc
- Cite magazine
- Cite magazine/doc
- Cite mailing list
- Cite mailing list/doc
- Cite map
- Cite map/doc
- Cite news
- Cite news/doc
- Cite newsgroup
- Cite newsgroup/doc
- Cite periodical
- Cite podcast
- Cite podcast/doc
- Cite press release
- Cite press release/doc
- Cite report
- Cite report/doc
- Cite serial
- Cite serial/doc
- Cite sign
- Cite sign/doc
- Cite speech
- Cite speech/doc
- Cite ssrn
- Cite ssrn/doc
- Cite techreport
- Cite techreport/doc
- Cite thesis
- Cite thesis/doc
- Cite tweet
- Cite tweet/doc
- Cite web
- Cite web/doc
- Cite work
- Cite xxx
- Cite xxx/doc
- Citrus
- Citrus-stub
- Clade
- Clade/doc
- Clade/styles.css
- CladeN
- CladeN/doc
- CladeN/styles.css
- CladeR
- Clade example
- Clade example/doc
- Clade gallery
- Clade gallery/doc
- Clade gallery/styles.css
- Clade sequential
- Clade sequential/doc
- Cladogram
- Cladogram/doc
- Clarify span
- Clarify span/doc
- Clarify timeframe
- Class/colour
- Class/colour/doc
- Class/colour/sandbox
- Class/colour/testcases
- Class mask/templatepage
- Cleanup
- Cleanup bare URLs
- Cleanup bare URLs/doc
- Cleanup category
- Cleanup category/doc
- Cleanup press release
- Cleanup press release/doc
- Clear
- Clear left
- Clear right
- Cleveland Cavaliers
- Clickable button 2
- Clickable button 2/doc
- Clickable button 2/sandbox
- Clickable button 2/styles.css
- Clickable button 2/testcases
- Climate-stub
- Climate chart
- Climate chart/How to read a climate chart
- Climate chart/celsius column
- Climate chart/doc
- Climate chart/fahrenheit column i
- Climate chart/month header
- CloseDivRTL
- Clothing-stub
- Cls
- Cls/doc
- Cmbox
- Cnote
- Cnote/doc
- Cnote2
- Cnote2/doc
- Cnote2/example
- Cnote2 Begin
- Cnote2 Begin/doc
- Cnote2 End
- Cnote2 End/doc
- Cnote2 begin
- Cnote2 begin/doc
- Cnote2 end
- Cnote2 end/doc
- Coast guard
- Coast guard/core
- Coat of arms